registration for fall 2025
A referral is the greatest compliment you can give us. Should you know a new family interested in our preschool program, registration for new families begins February 10th.
View all the details on our registration page.
outdoor play
We will be enjoying outdoor play every day. Please remember to send outdoor clothing every day. Should you forget or are in need of any gear please ask an educator as we have extras available to borrow.
what to bring to school
Please send your child with a labelled backpack, indoor shoes, labelled water bottle, a change of clothes (top, underwear, bottoms, socks).
Please ensure your child’s water bottle is clearly labelled for your child to easily identify and is filled with only water.
Please senda healthy snack to be kept in your child’s backpack. Snacks must be NUT FREE. Some example snacks may include: fruit/vegetables/cheese/yogurt/crackers/muffins etc…
scholastic canada
View monthly Digi-flyers and earn the preschool rewards when you purchase books using our Class Code. Free shipping directly to your house on orders of $40 or more.
Thank you for your support!